How do I install and connect Referrizer Wi-Fi?

Here are detailed instructions how to Install and Connect Referrizer Wi-Fi to your business.

You may also click HERE to watch a short video explaining how to connect Wi-Fi router.

System Requirement:

A DHCP-enabled network (for the AP to obtain an IP address as well as for the wireless clients after


Installation Process

See diagram below.

The power adapter has two (2) ports as shown on the diagram below.

This device needs 1 or 2 min for full connection. If the installation is successful your customers will see a new, open network named

".Free Wi-Fi [account name]". Eg .Free Wi-Fi CrossLand.

1. Connect the BLACK Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port.

2. Connect the BLACK Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port.

3. Connect the BLUE Ethernet cable to the adapter’s LAN port

4. Connect the BLUE Ethernet cable to your Internet Router

5. Connect the Power Cord to the adapter’s power port. Connect the other end of the Power Cord to a power outlet.


How it works:

We use your already existing internet connection and give you an open network with a portal page and a few options.

This little device needs 1 or 2 min to get connected, and after that, you will see a new, open network named ".Free Wi-Fi [account name]".

When a user turns on Wi-Fi search or comes into the business with Wi-Fi turned on, a browser on their device will automatically open our guest portal and they will need to give us their phone number, email address, or Facebook profile to get internet access. If they connect with Facebook, we will ask them for permission to have their public profile and email address.

Important: This network does not have a security password (no password, no encryption, no security), so please advise your customers not to use it for sending important information such as credit card details, or any other personal information. We include this in the Terms of use. Our portal is secured, so they should not be worried about their phone number, but the traffic after that is not.

Here is what the Terms and Conditions popup looks like.

Note: Agreeing to terms and conditions is a must and secondly if they connect with email or Facebook profile, they will not be able to use web-app to redeem, share or refer until they add their phone number.

Lastly, once they click the "connect" button, if they entered the right number and accepted the terms and conditions, they will have internet access and with each next connection, if they are there for at least 10 minutes they will get a new check in.

3. Benefits

Smart Free WiFi System for your business

  • Capture Customer Data
  • Increase Loyalty
  • Boost Online Reputation and Referrals
  • Automate your Check-ins and Rewards program

Fully Automated - Click - Connect and Enjoy


“Client Testimonial”

I have owned my restaurant for 8 years now and we barely had any customer data. We tried fish bawls, other loyalty programs and nothing worked. Now, in last 3 months with Referrizer Smart WiFi, we have over 800 contacts in our database, and new contacts are being generated daily. I wish I had this system long ago. This is truly remarkable. Thank you guys!!!

"You don't have enough time on your plate? Get a team of experts to do all the work for you. Book a Platinum call to learn more NOW!" Click HERE

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