With our Loyalty Program, your customers are not just motivated to visit repeatedly, but they also get incentives to share on social media. With this feature, you are able to customize how many points a customer gets for different MINDBODY Services you offer within your establishment. These can include classes, appointments, and purchases.
First, click on Loyalty on the left side of your account.
If you have not yet set up your loyalty program, click on Setup Loyalty Program.
Here you can start creating a New Loyalty Program and give incentives for attending a class or session based on MINDBODY check-ins, one-time additional points only for their first check-in using a mobile app, points for sharing your offers on Social Media eg. Facebook or Twitter, and lastly points for posting 5-star reviews on either Google or Yelp.
But, If you already have a Loyalty Program, click on EDIT.
This will allow you to reward your loyal customers with additional points based on what type of MINDBODY Service they use.
It's simple to give additional points for each MINDBODY Service used. You can choose by how much a particular service costs or how frequently customers use certain services.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to Advanced Settings.
Add points
Select Mindbody Service
Click on Add