What's new with Campaigns 3.0?

Email & Text Campaigns Combined

  1. View all your campaigns on one page

Filter, Sort & Search

  1. Filter your campaigns either by type (email or text) or by status (ongoing, completed, paused, etc)
  2. Sort your campaigns by date modified or alphabetical order
  3. Search for any campaign using keywords

Preview & Progress

  1. Preview button for each campaign so you can see what the customer will receive
  2. Progress bar shows how much of a drip campaign is completed

Action Button

  1. Edit a draft or paused campaign
  2. Pause/Resume/Stop any campaign
  3. Clone an existing campaign to your list (or 'Clone to' another account if you have a multi-account business)


  1. View Quick Reports and Detailed Reports for your campaigns
  2. Export any detailed report to Excel

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Regular and Automated Campaigns have been separated