About ClubReady
ClubReady is an online club management software designed to help fitness and wellness centers streamline operations related to lead management, member retention, and customer engagement. It allows administrators to handle leads, run sales campaigns, and gain visibility into market trends.
What can I do with ClubReady integration?
- Segment customers based on data from ClubReady, (e.g. memberships, visits, classes, bookings, etc.)
- Engage customers in Referral program
- Engage customers in Loyalty program
- Get new online reviews and customer feedback
How can I integrate ClubReady with Referrizer?
To integrate Referrizer with Club Ready you need to fill out this form to have Club Ready authorize it.
These requests are usually completed within 24 hours.
Once you hear back from Club Ready, enter your ClubReady Store/Club id on the integration page.
HOW TO FIND Club ID: Once logged into CR, in the top-right corner click on your profile icon. The ClubReady ID is the first 4 digits below your name.