Is there a way to expire or delete unused loyalty points?

In the Referrizer platform, loyalty points do not have an expiration date, ensuring that customers can utilize their rewards at their convenience. However, businesses have the flexibility to manage their loyalty program effectively by resetting or adjusting points manually. Here are two ways to manage unused loyalty points:

  1. Resetting All Loyalty Points to Zero: If a business decides to reset the loyalty points for all customers, this can be done through the administrative settings on the Referrizer platform. This action effectively sets the points balance of all enrolled customers to zero, allowing for a fresh start or a new phase of the loyalty program.

2. Manual Deduction for Each Individual Customer: For more targeted adjustments, administrators can manually deduct points from individual contact profile. This option is useful for correcting errors or making specific adjustments to a customer's loyalty points balance without impacting other users.

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