You can now monitor the results of all your offers with the new Offer Reports!
This is currently only available for businesses with Mindbody integration activated.
How do I access Offer Reports?
First, click Offers & Referrals on the left side of your account.

Next, click on Action > View Report, for the desired offer.
Offer Reports give you the ability to see all the information you need regarding each of your offers.
Here are the 4 main stats:

Visits show you the number of times an offer was seen by a potential lead, whether it be from the website widget, a landing page, a customer referral, etc.
Offers Claimed
Offers claimed, as the title suggests, show you the number of people that have claimed this particular offer. By clicking on the Details button, you can see the name and phone number of each person who claimed the offer, as well as when they claimed it.
Purchases show the number of products/services purchased after a person has claimed an offer. By clicking on the Details button, you can see exactly who bought what, and when. If a new offer is later claimed, all following purchases will be linked to the new offer report, and so on.
Revenue shows the total amount generated from all purchases after that particular offer was claimed.
Claims Graph & Table
For our more advanced users, we've also provided a breakdown of the Source and Medium of the claims in graph and table format. This information can help guide further marketing strategies for your offers.
How the person came to see the offer, e.g. Google search, referred by a friend, etc.
What the person used to claim the offer, e.g. website widget, landing page, etc.