Can I remove the Reply Stop to Opt Out message from Text Campaigns?

When sending a text campaign, there is a newly added option to remove the "Reply Stop to Opt-Out" footer. Please keep in mind if it is the first communication or campaign received by a specific customer, this will still be included for your protection. Also, we fully advise at the sign-up of your clients to find out their communication preferences and subscribe or unsubscribe based on the decision they indicate. Please see TCPA and FCC guidelines.

How to turn off the subscription message

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Edit icon next to the subscription message while creating the text campaign

2. Choose whether you would like the subscription option to remain or turn off for the specific campaign. Please note this Compliance Message will still be included if it is your first communication with a recipient.

Please note that when sending individual texts, the Reply Stop to Opt-Out is also removed. We recommend using the Messenger and Customer profile texts for communication purposes only.

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