Win-Back Campaigns

Win-Back campaigns are one of the tools to remind them of what they have been missing out on. Because these are individuals who have already experienced what you have to offer, you will want to establish a positive relationship with them again.

Some reasons customers stop coming in:

  • They had a negative experience
  • They moved away
  • Their financial situation changed
  • You failed to keep contact in an ever-competitive market.

Not only is it important to make your customers feel appreciated and recognized, but if you can also do it at less cost to you, why wouldn't you!? 

Case Study

Simply put, Win-Back campaigns work. Here are examples and golden rules for successful campaigns. As you can see, each location that sent out a Win-Back Campaign, saw massive improvements in their revenue!

Getting Started

It costs 4 to 10 times less to reactivate an old customer than to acquire a new customer, and we have created three fantastic win-back options for you:

1. One-time text campaign (you choose the date & time it is sent)

2. Automated text campaign (sent to clients when they fall into the Past Customers group)

3. Email campaign with follow-up

4. For text campaigns, make sure you follow the simple rules described here


Here are some examples of what a good win-back campaign looks like:

   Don’t view win-back campaigns as a cost to you, but rather, an opportunity to bring people in and remind them of how phenomenal you are.  
   Don’t view win-back campaigns as a cost to you, but rather, an opportunity to bring people in and remind them of how phenomenal you are.  

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